TIP 1: Prefer the smallest portion size available.
When eating out, always prefer the smallest
portion size available. Keep in mind that if
you are still hungry after choosing a smaller meal, you can always fill up with
something else and enjoy a wider variety of tastes in the process.
TIP 2: Drink a glass of water before a meal.

TIP 3: Walking to loss weight.
Walking for exercise and weight loss is so simple and
natural, it barely seems like work. That’s the great thing about walking – it
can gently change your health without having to break a sweat!
TIP 4: Eat on a regular schedule.
Try not to let more than about 4 hours go by between meals or snacks.
Steady meal timing helps control your digestive system, blood sugar and insulin
levels, and appetite.
TIP 5: Listen to your body.
Eat when you’re hungry and
stop when you’re full, meaning satisfied, not stuffed. That’s so you get used
to relying on your hunger and fullness cues to tell you when to stop and start
Eat real foods and stay away
from anything processed, pre-cooked, frozen, and deep fried, etc. Try to eat 3
meals and 2 snacks every day. Spread your calories throughout those meals and
make sure to include a source of protein, crabs and good fats in every meal you
Try to keep things simple. :)
Try to keep things simple. :)